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  • Writer's pictureLexi

When life gives you flowers, you bloom.

For anyone that knows me, you know first hand that I do not have a green thumb anywhere in my body. Need me to pet sit? I got you covered. Keep the tiny humans alive? Yup got that too. Substain flowers? Ha good one. Sorry to tell you, but they will be dead quicker then my 3 year old can get into trouble when I look away. Here is the thing however about flowers, wherever you may plant them, they choose to bloom (even if you absolutely suck at keeping them alive). And well just like flowers, wherever life may choose to plant you, you need to bloom.

I guarantee if flowers could talk they would tell you exactly where they want to be planted. You know somewhere that gets sun but of course not too much (learned that one the hard way) and is far away from the little but ever so heavy hands of a three year old (feel free to plant me here too, sounds better then my bathroom hide out). But flowers don't get a say, they just one day get planted in the middle of nowhere and bloom. There's no endless list of excuses on why they can't (take note Addie), no fight put up, they just go with it. So why cant we do the same?

Everyone wants to be "planted" in life in the best spot possible. The spot with the best and biggest house, the perfect husband/wife, highest paying job and as many kids and/or pets as their heart desires. Sounds wonderful doesn't it? But guess what, we don't always have a say in where life plants us. Yes we all have what we think are perfectly thought out plans or instructions on how to plant us, but life has its own set. And whether you like it or not, life has the final say.

I am one of the most organized people. I have lists upon lists (well organized of course) of everything to do, where to do it etc. Everything in my room has a place and any bins are labeled. Go ahead call me a tad bit OCD (okay a lot), I don't mind. So of course my life list was just as prepared, planned and organized down to a t. I had planned where I wanted to go to college, where I wanted to live and what age I had hoped to be married by (yes setting myself up for failure with that one hah). I had prepared myself to be planted into the best future possible. And right about here you can insert life laughing hysterically in my face.

The summer before starting college I found out I was pregnant, so much for my plan right? At 20 I was a single mom, no college education and I had kissed all my money I had saved up for that place of my own goodbye (kids will literally drain everything from you). Instead of being planted in that beautifully perfect spot, life dropped me from the sky and s*** on me. And for awhile, I looked at life as so. Each day I came up with a million and one reasons why my life sucked or why I couldn't still have an amazing future. Life planted me in an less then ideal spot, but that doesn't mean I cant still bloom.

Each day we wake up, we have the power to choose whether to have a positive outlook or a negative one. And I get it, life absolutely sucks sometimes. There are days where nothing goes right or you just simply wake up in a crappy mood but that doesn't mean your life is horrible. You woke up, that is enough of a reason to be thankful. Instead of letting one little thing ruin your whole day or being pissed at the world that life didn't go as planned, take what you have and grow from it. Take those negative comments, curveballs or whatever it may be that came with the spot in which you were planted and bloom beautiful flowers from it.

I took the spot in which I was given and made the most of it. Sure being a single mom, especially at such a young age was/is less then ideal but I have turned it into the best thing that has ever happened to me. My daughter gave me a better future, a reason to wake up every morning and so much more. And that college education that I thought I had thrown out the window, well it made its way back. It may take me more years then most people, but I am making it happen. I may not be living in that dream house or getting married anytime soon (don't worry mom I'm still planning on it) but I have a home filled with the wonderful sound of my little ones voice (most days lately its whinner then I would like) and she has filled my heart with more love then I ever could of thought possible. When life gives you flowers, choose to bloom. Even when they seem unreachable, down right horrible or unplanned, bloom. You never know just how beautiful the outcome of your growth may be.

~ Wherever life may plant you, bloom with grace.~

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