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  • Writer's pictureLexi

The Name

Updated: Mar 29, 2019

Here goes nothing.

I've always wanted to start my own blog. After all I've got plenty to write about, my life in itself is a tornado of crazy... just ask anyone who knows me. But the one thing I have always been stuck on is what to call it. I know right? The name. Seriously?! I have lists upon lists of weird and different names to call this thing (maybe I'll share those in another post) and then all the sudden it hit me. You know kind of like that hit to the face you get in the morning when your 3 year old is trying to wake you up at 6am? Yeah, that one.

My daughter is OBSESSED with Disney princesses. Do not ask me which one is her favorite because like her mood, it changes hourly. So often so, she sometimes forgets herself. But lately she is on a Jasmine and Aladdin kick. And yes, like any mom I am so thankful we are past the Frozen phase or I would of let my s*** go.

From every Disney movie, my daughter likes to pick a certain part or song to reenact until the whole damn neighborhood knows it by heart. And if you know the movie Aladdin and saw my blog name, I bet you can guess which part she chose from that movie. What's that you say? The song A Whole New World? Ding ding ding. For what seems like months now, she has been singing that song everywhere. I'm not kidding. EVERYWHERE. At the dinner table, on the swings, in the bathtub, even in her sleep. Okay maybe not in her sleep...yet. But here's the kicker about 3 year old's singing Disney songs, they either change up the words or you cant understand what they are singing. Either way is hilariously cute.

For this particular song, my daughter changed up the words. You know that part that goes "It's crystal clear", yeah she thinks it goes "Kristoff's here". Cue the collision of two worlds. It is not only by far the cutest song she has ever sung and guaranteed to bring a smile to anyone's face, but it is also a metaphor for our life.

You see, she took two completely different stories, worlds, plotlines, whatever you want to call it and brought them together as one. That's our life. My life was headed in a completely different direction when it "collided" with hers and turned it into a whole new world. Motherhood is a whole new world. And like any new explorer in unknown territory, I am just trying to figure it out... okay and maybe get through a day without a threenager meltdown. A girl can dream right? But I hope you'll join along side me and hold on tight, in this magic mom van ride into a whole new world. It may not come with wine (I know I was disappointed too) but it will be filled with sarcasm, chaos and well our crazy life stories. Welcome to our Whole New World.

Oh and if you made it this far (thank you) here's a picture of my little princess with her current idols!:)

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